A purpose statement is a declarative sentence that summarizes one’s purpose in life.
I established the following purpose statement at the start of my doctoral program in 2013. This has undergone a few revisions but has stayed relatively consistent since that time. Here is my personal, purpose statement:
Follow the way of Jesus Christ with my family and circles of influence; consistently love others by helping them to find their purpose, excel in their callings, and pursue their intimate relationship and adventure with God.
I have also included a list of specific areas of my life that are important to me, and also give me practical reminders to pursue my purpose in life daily:
Following the teaching and way of Jesus Christ; modeling the way of life lived and letting everything that I say, do, touch, and have influence over be honoring to God.
Starting with my wife, children, and I, the Hoff family follows Jesus. We are a family that pursues the Holiness of God and loves the world on purpose.
Helping others to find their purpose life by mentoring and developing them to become more effective as leaders within their callings.
Leading within Higher Education, helping institutions become the most effective environment for others to find their purpose and callings.
Building Trust relationships with the current and future people I meet.
Growing in my knowledge and effectiveness as a Transformational Leader.
Growing in my experience as a teacher of the bible in order to introduce others into a relationship and life with Jesus Christ and encourage them on in their unique eternal adventure with God.
Passion is something that I will pass on …. I will do it with God’s love!
Words carry the power of life or death – I choose to use them to bring life!